BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TĐÓ°É´«Ă˝ - ECPv6.3.6//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:TĐÓ°É´«Ă˝ X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for TĐÓ°É´«Ă˝ REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20250309T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20251102T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250205T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250205T183000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145522Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145522Z SUMMARY:Recipes and Rituals for Community Care DESCRIPTION:We heal together in our kitchens\, gardens\, and shared spaces.\n\n\nWhat does it mean to heal in community? What does it feel like when we extend care to ourselves and the collective? How do plants and our local ecologies care for us? How can we care for the plants and local ecologies in return?\nWeave in rituals and recipes into both your own self-care and community care practices through weekly explorations in herbal arts\, somatic movement in the greenhouse and garden\, folk remedies\, and other wild-crafts and meditative activities that foster a deeper connection to plants to care for the body\, mental health\, and the people you move with.\nEach week\, be guided by a guest herbalist\, healing artist\, or wellness practitioner who will help you create your own toolkit and apothecary for self and communal care.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/recipes-and-rituals-for-community-care-32/2025-02-05/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/598caa7a7a96964f49df62dfb49368c1-k59Twf.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250206T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250206T180000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145418Z SUMMARY:Art in the Garden DESCRIPTION:Cultivate creativity\, curiosity\, & settle into the restorative power of artmaking in the greenhouse and garden.\n\n\nCombine the art and science of observation in weekly artmaking inspired by plants in the greenhouse and garden.\nLearn meditative and mindful drawing\, printmaking and sculptural techniques\, scientific observation with plant portraiture\, and new practices from botanical and ecologically-focused contemporary artists to create works of art to celebrate the plants and flowers you feel most connected to. Immerse yourself in the learning garden\, greenhouse\, and across Riverbank State Park’s green roof overlooking the Hudson River to create artwork that is rooted in place and in partnership with plants.\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-in-the-garden-29/2025-02-06/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2469fe6929235f4b8cb283a333047f01-yruSYK.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250206T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250206T193000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145808Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145808Z SUMMARY:Art and AgriCulture DESCRIPTION:What are the food stories that most urgently need to be shared?\n\n\n“Another thing we lost is culture. . . look at the word agriculture. We lost that connection. And so now it’s going back to the culture of agriculture. Why do we grow the food that we do?” – Karen Washington\nWhy do we grow the foods we do? How is culture tied to our local foodways and agricultural systems? What stories of nourishment are you hungry to tell? What creative acts are you being called to digest?\nIn this weekly series\, explore various techniques and practices introduced by visiting artists who will lead us in expressing our relationship to food\, agriculture\, and the histories and stories that shape how we connect with our foodways.\nThrough various artmaking techniques like bookmaking\, printmaking\, collage\, sculpture\, natural-pigment making and painting\, alternative photography processes\, participants will create artwork that begins to answer the question: Where is the culture in agriculture?\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse. Explore your relationship to food and agriculture and the ways these systems can connect us more deeply to our local ecosystems and communities.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-and-agriculture-32/2025-02-06/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ea8f9e0b59b5e47062f47e3b2798a06b-JyssZw.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250211T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250211T120000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145722Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241025T141844Z SUMMARY:SautĂ© Sizzle Savor DESCRIPTION:Crafting Storied Recipes with Community Supported Agriculture\n\n\nEach week\, be guided by a guest food-worker\, chef\, artist\, farmer\, or culture-bearer who will help us unpack our CSA box and lead us in making a collectively-crafted meal. Deepen your relationship with the crops that regional farmers are harvesting while in conversations that help us reimagine our relationships to food and farms.\nIn Community in the Kitchen\, we invite participants to come together in the Greenhouse Education Center around the kitchen table to share in the harvest of our weekly CSA share. In a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model\, community members and farmers build a reciprocal and mutually-beneficial relationship—community members support farmers by sharing the risk and paying upfront so that farmers can focus on stewarding the land while farmers provide community with healthy\, organic\, and sustainably grown produce at an affordable price that goes directly into the farm’s pockets.\nIn these weekly sessions\, we invite participants to gather and build community as we share recipes\, food stories\, and helpful tips for how to cook with the plants that are in season. Each week\, participants can expect to be guided by food-workers\, culture-bearers\, chefs\, farmers\, elders\, or food-system thought visionaries who will lead us in both cooking class and critical conversation that has us consider how we share the foods we grow in community.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine. \nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers. \nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at \nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces. URL:/event/saute-sizzle-savor-11/2025-02-11/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ef4924f00c221a9d44a987207ac25f9a-RQLXcn.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250212T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250212T183000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145522Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145522Z SUMMARY:Recipes and Rituals for Community Care DESCRIPTION:We heal together in our kitchens\, gardens\, and shared spaces.\n\n\nWhat does it mean to heal in community? What does it feel like when we extend care to ourselves and the collective? How do plants and our local ecologies care for us? How can we care for the plants and local ecologies in return?\nWeave in rituals and recipes into both your own self-care and community care practices through weekly explorations in herbal arts\, somatic movement in the greenhouse and garden\, folk remedies\, and other wild-crafts and meditative activities that foster a deeper connection to plants to care for the body\, mental health\, and the people you move with.\nEach week\, be guided by a guest herbalist\, healing artist\, or wellness practitioner who will help you create your own toolkit and apothecary for self and communal care.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/recipes-and-rituals-for-community-care-32/2025-02-12/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/598caa7a7a96964f49df62dfb49368c1-k59Twf.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T180000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145418Z SUMMARY:Art in the Garden DESCRIPTION:Cultivate creativity\, curiosity\, & settle into the restorative power of artmaking in the greenhouse and garden.\n\n\nCombine the art and science of observation in weekly artmaking inspired by plants in the greenhouse and garden.\nLearn meditative and mindful drawing\, printmaking and sculptural techniques\, scientific observation with plant portraiture\, and new practices from botanical and ecologically-focused contemporary artists to create works of art to celebrate the plants and flowers you feel most connected to. Immerse yourself in the learning garden\, greenhouse\, and across Riverbank State Park’s green roof overlooking the Hudson River to create artwork that is rooted in place and in partnership with plants.\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-in-the-garden-29/2025-02-13/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2469fe6929235f4b8cb283a333047f01-yruSYK.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T193000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145808Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145808Z SUMMARY:Art and AgriCulture DESCRIPTION:What are the food stories that most urgently need to be shared?\n\n\n“Another thing we lost is culture. . . look at the word agriculture. We lost that connection. And so now it’s going back to the culture of agriculture. Why do we grow the food that we do?” – Karen Washington\nWhy do we grow the foods we do? How is culture tied to our local foodways and agricultural systems? What stories of nourishment are you hungry to tell? What creative acts are you being called to digest?\nIn this weekly series\, explore various techniques and practices introduced by visiting artists who will lead us in expressing our relationship to food\, agriculture\, and the histories and stories that shape how we connect with our foodways.\nThrough various artmaking techniques like bookmaking\, printmaking\, collage\, sculpture\, natural-pigment making and painting\, alternative photography processes\, participants will create artwork that begins to answer the question: Where is the culture in agriculture?\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse. Explore your relationship to food and agriculture and the ways these systems can connect us more deeply to our local ecosystems and communities.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-and-agriculture-32/2025-02-13/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ea8f9e0b59b5e47062f47e3b2798a06b-JyssZw.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T120000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145722Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241025T141844Z SUMMARY:SautĂ© Sizzle Savor DESCRIPTION:Crafting Storied Recipes with Community Supported Agriculture\n\n\nEach week\, be guided by a guest food-worker\, chef\, artist\, farmer\, or culture-bearer who will help us unpack our CSA box and lead us in making a collectively-crafted meal. Deepen your relationship with the crops that regional farmers are harvesting while in conversations that help us reimagine our relationships to food and farms.\nIn Community in the Kitchen\, we invite participants to come together in the Greenhouse Education Center around the kitchen table to share in the harvest of our weekly CSA share. In a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model\, community members and farmers build a reciprocal and mutually-beneficial relationship—community members support farmers by sharing the risk and paying upfront so that farmers can focus on stewarding the land while farmers provide community with healthy\, organic\, and sustainably grown produce at an affordable price that goes directly into the farm’s pockets.\nIn these weekly sessions\, we invite participants to gather and build community as we share recipes\, food stories\, and helpful tips for how to cook with the plants that are in season. Each week\, participants can expect to be guided by food-workers\, culture-bearers\, chefs\, farmers\, elders\, or food-system thought visionaries who will lead us in both cooking class and critical conversation that has us consider how we share the foods we grow in community.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine. \nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers. \nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at \nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces. URL:/event/saute-sizzle-savor-11/2025-02-18/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ef4924f00c221a9d44a987207ac25f9a-RQLXcn.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250219T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250219T183000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145522Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145522Z SUMMARY:Recipes and Rituals for Community Care DESCRIPTION:We heal together in our kitchens\, gardens\, and shared spaces.\n\n\nWhat does it mean to heal in community? What does it feel like when we extend care to ourselves and the collective? How do plants and our local ecologies care for us? How can we care for the plants and local ecologies in return?\nWeave in rituals and recipes into both your own self-care and community care practices through weekly explorations in herbal arts\, somatic movement in the greenhouse and garden\, folk remedies\, and other wild-crafts and meditative activities that foster a deeper connection to plants to care for the body\, mental health\, and the people you move with.\nEach week\, be guided by a guest herbalist\, healing artist\, or wellness practitioner who will help you create your own toolkit and apothecary for self and communal care.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/recipes-and-rituals-for-community-care-32/2025-02-19/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/598caa7a7a96964f49df62dfb49368c1-k59Twf.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T180000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145418Z SUMMARY:Art in the Garden DESCRIPTION:Cultivate creativity\, curiosity\, & settle into the restorative power of artmaking in the greenhouse and garden.\n\n\nCombine the art and science of observation in weekly artmaking inspired by plants in the greenhouse and garden.\nLearn meditative and mindful drawing\, printmaking and sculptural techniques\, scientific observation with plant portraiture\, and new practices from botanical and ecologically-focused contemporary artists to create works of art to celebrate the plants and flowers you feel most connected to. Immerse yourself in the learning garden\, greenhouse\, and across Riverbank State Park’s green roof overlooking the Hudson River to create artwork that is rooted in place and in partnership with plants.\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-in-the-garden-29/2025-02-20/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2469fe6929235f4b8cb283a333047f01-yruSYK.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T193000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145808Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145808Z SUMMARY:Art and AgriCulture DESCRIPTION:What are the food stories that most urgently need to be shared?\n\n\n“Another thing we lost is culture. . . look at the word agriculture. We lost that connection. And so now it’s going back to the culture of agriculture. Why do we grow the food that we do?” – Karen Washington\nWhy do we grow the foods we do? How is culture tied to our local foodways and agricultural systems? What stories of nourishment are you hungry to tell? What creative acts are you being called to digest?\nIn this weekly series\, explore various techniques and practices introduced by visiting artists who will lead us in expressing our relationship to food\, agriculture\, and the histories and stories that shape how we connect with our foodways.\nThrough various artmaking techniques like bookmaking\, printmaking\, collage\, sculpture\, natural-pigment making and painting\, alternative photography processes\, participants will create artwork that begins to answer the question: Where is the culture in agriculture?\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse. Explore your relationship to food and agriculture and the ways these systems can connect us more deeply to our local ecosystems and communities.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-and-agriculture-32/2025-02-20/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ea8f9e0b59b5e47062f47e3b2798a06b-JyssZw.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T120000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145722Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241025T141844Z SUMMARY:SautĂ© Sizzle Savor DESCRIPTION:Crafting Storied Recipes with Community Supported Agriculture\n\n\nEach week\, be guided by a guest food-worker\, chef\, artist\, farmer\, or culture-bearer who will help us unpack our CSA box and lead us in making a collectively-crafted meal. Deepen your relationship with the crops that regional farmers are harvesting while in conversations that help us reimagine our relationships to food and farms.\nIn Community in the Kitchen\, we invite participants to come together in the Greenhouse Education Center around the kitchen table to share in the harvest of our weekly CSA share. In a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model\, community members and farmers build a reciprocal and mutually-beneficial relationship—community members support farmers by sharing the risk and paying upfront so that farmers can focus on stewarding the land while farmers provide community with healthy\, organic\, and sustainably grown produce at an affordable price that goes directly into the farm’s pockets.\nIn these weekly sessions\, we invite participants to gather and build community as we share recipes\, food stories\, and helpful tips for how to cook with the plants that are in season. Each week\, participants can expect to be guided by food-workers\, culture-bearers\, chefs\, farmers\, elders\, or food-system thought visionaries who will lead us in both cooking class and critical conversation that has us consider how we share the foods we grow in community.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine. \nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers. \nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at \nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces. URL:/event/saute-sizzle-savor-11/2025-02-25/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ef4924f00c221a9d44a987207ac25f9a-RQLXcn.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250226T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250226T183000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145522Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145522Z SUMMARY:Recipes and Rituals for Community Care DESCRIPTION:We heal together in our kitchens\, gardens\, and shared spaces.\n\n\nWhat does it mean to heal in community? What does it feel like when we extend care to ourselves and the collective? How do plants and our local ecologies care for us? How can we care for the plants and local ecologies in return?\nWeave in rituals and recipes into both your own self-care and community care practices through weekly explorations in herbal arts\, somatic movement in the greenhouse and garden\, folk remedies\, and other wild-crafts and meditative activities that foster a deeper connection to plants to care for the body\, mental health\, and the people you move with.\nEach week\, be guided by a guest herbalist\, healing artist\, or wellness practitioner who will help you create your own toolkit and apothecary for self and communal care.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/recipes-and-rituals-for-community-care-32/2025-02-26/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/598caa7a7a96964f49df62dfb49368c1-k59Twf.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T180000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145418Z SUMMARY:Art in the Garden DESCRIPTION:Cultivate creativity\, curiosity\, & settle into the restorative power of artmaking in the greenhouse and garden.\n\n\nCombine the art and science of observation in weekly artmaking inspired by plants in the greenhouse and garden.\nLearn meditative and mindful drawing\, printmaking and sculptural techniques\, scientific observation with plant portraiture\, and new practices from botanical and ecologically-focused contemporary artists to create works of art to celebrate the plants and flowers you feel most connected to. Immerse yourself in the learning garden\, greenhouse\, and across Riverbank State Park’s green roof overlooking the Hudson River to create artwork that is rooted in place and in partnership with plants.\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-in-the-garden-29/2025-02-27/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2469fe6929235f4b8cb283a333047f01-yruSYK.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T193000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145808Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145808Z SUMMARY:Art and AgriCulture DESCRIPTION:What are the food stories that most urgently need to be shared?\n\n\n“Another thing we lost is culture. . . look at the word agriculture. We lost that connection. And so now it’s going back to the culture of agriculture. Why do we grow the food that we do?” – Karen Washington\nWhy do we grow the foods we do? How is culture tied to our local foodways and agricultural systems? What stories of nourishment are you hungry to tell? What creative acts are you being called to digest?\nIn this weekly series\, explore various techniques and practices introduced by visiting artists who will lead us in expressing our relationship to food\, agriculture\, and the histories and stories that shape how we connect with our foodways.\nThrough various artmaking techniques like bookmaking\, printmaking\, collage\, sculpture\, natural-pigment making and painting\, alternative photography processes\, participants will create artwork that begins to answer the question: Where is the culture in agriculture?\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse. Explore your relationship to food and agriculture and the ways these systems can connect us more deeply to our local ecosystems and communities.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-and-agriculture-32/2025-02-27/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ea8f9e0b59b5e47062f47e3b2798a06b-JyssZw.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250304T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250304T120000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145722Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241025T141844Z SUMMARY:SautĂ© Sizzle Savor DESCRIPTION:Crafting Storied Recipes with Community Supported Agriculture\n\n\nEach week\, be guided by a guest food-worker\, chef\, artist\, farmer\, or culture-bearer who will help us unpack our CSA box and lead us in making a collectively-crafted meal. Deepen your relationship with the crops that regional farmers are harvesting while in conversations that help us reimagine our relationships to food and farms.\nIn Community in the Kitchen\, we invite participants to come together in the Greenhouse Education Center around the kitchen table to share in the harvest of our weekly CSA share. In a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model\, community members and farmers build a reciprocal and mutually-beneficial relationship—community members support farmers by sharing the risk and paying upfront so that farmers can focus on stewarding the land while farmers provide community with healthy\, organic\, and sustainably grown produce at an affordable price that goes directly into the farm’s pockets.\nIn these weekly sessions\, we invite participants to gather and build community as we share recipes\, food stories\, and helpful tips for how to cook with the plants that are in season. Each week\, participants can expect to be guided by food-workers\, culture-bearers\, chefs\, farmers\, elders\, or food-system thought visionaries who will lead us in both cooking class and critical conversation that has us consider how we share the foods we grow in community.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine. \nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers. \nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at \nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces. URL:/event/saute-sizzle-savor-11/2025-03-04/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ef4924f00c221a9d44a987207ac25f9a-RQLXcn.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250305T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250305T183000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145522Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145522Z SUMMARY:Recipes and Rituals for Community Care DESCRIPTION:We heal together in our kitchens\, gardens\, and shared spaces.\n\n\nWhat does it mean to heal in community? What does it feel like when we extend care to ourselves and the collective? How do plants and our local ecologies care for us? How can we care for the plants and local ecologies in return?\nWeave in rituals and recipes into both your own self-care and community care practices through weekly explorations in herbal arts\, somatic movement in the greenhouse and garden\, folk remedies\, and other wild-crafts and meditative activities that foster a deeper connection to plants to care for the body\, mental health\, and the people you move with.\nEach week\, be guided by a guest herbalist\, healing artist\, or wellness practitioner who will help you create your own toolkit and apothecary for self and communal care.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/recipes-and-rituals-for-community-care-32/2025-03-05/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/598caa7a7a96964f49df62dfb49368c1-k59Twf.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250306T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250306T180000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145418Z SUMMARY:Art in the Garden DESCRIPTION:Cultivate creativity\, curiosity\, & settle into the restorative power of artmaking in the greenhouse and garden.\n\n\nCombine the art and science of observation in weekly artmaking inspired by plants in the greenhouse and garden.\nLearn meditative and mindful drawing\, printmaking and sculptural techniques\, scientific observation with plant portraiture\, and new practices from botanical and ecologically-focused contemporary artists to create works of art to celebrate the plants and flowers you feel most connected to. Immerse yourself in the learning garden\, greenhouse\, and across Riverbank State Park’s green roof overlooking the Hudson River to create artwork that is rooted in place and in partnership with plants.\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-in-the-garden-29/2025-03-06/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2469fe6929235f4b8cb283a333047f01-yruSYK.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250306T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250306T193000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145808Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145808Z SUMMARY:Art and AgriCulture DESCRIPTION:What are the food stories that most urgently need to be shared?\n\n\n“Another thing we lost is culture. . . look at the word agriculture. We lost that connection. And so now it’s going back to the culture of agriculture. Why do we grow the food that we do?” – Karen Washington\nWhy do we grow the foods we do? How is culture tied to our local foodways and agricultural systems? What stories of nourishment are you hungry to tell? What creative acts are you being called to digest?\nIn this weekly series\, explore various techniques and practices introduced by visiting artists who will lead us in expressing our relationship to food\, agriculture\, and the histories and stories that shape how we connect with our foodways.\nThrough various artmaking techniques like bookmaking\, printmaking\, collage\, sculpture\, natural-pigment making and painting\, alternative photography processes\, participants will create artwork that begins to answer the question: Where is the culture in agriculture?\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse. Explore your relationship to food and agriculture and the ways these systems can connect us more deeply to our local ecosystems and communities.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-and-agriculture-32/2025-03-06/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ea8f9e0b59b5e47062f47e3b2798a06b-JyssZw.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250311T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250311T120000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145722Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241025T141844Z SUMMARY:SautĂ© Sizzle Savor DESCRIPTION:Crafting Storied Recipes with Community Supported Agriculture\n\n\nEach week\, be guided by a guest food-worker\, chef\, artist\, farmer\, or culture-bearer who will help us unpack our CSA box and lead us in making a collectively-crafted meal. Deepen your relationship with the crops that regional farmers are harvesting while in conversations that help us reimagine our relationships to food and farms.\nIn Community in the Kitchen\, we invite participants to come together in the Greenhouse Education Center around the kitchen table to share in the harvest of our weekly CSA share. In a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model\, community members and farmers build a reciprocal and mutually-beneficial relationship—community members support farmers by sharing the risk and paying upfront so that farmers can focus on stewarding the land while farmers provide community with healthy\, organic\, and sustainably grown produce at an affordable price that goes directly into the farm’s pockets.\nIn these weekly sessions\, we invite participants to gather and build community as we share recipes\, food stories\, and helpful tips for how to cook with the plants that are in season. Each week\, participants can expect to be guided by food-workers\, culture-bearers\, chefs\, farmers\, elders\, or food-system thought visionaries who will lead us in both cooking class and critical conversation that has us consider how we share the foods we grow in community.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine. \nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers. \nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at \nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces. URL:/event/saute-sizzle-savor-11/2025-03-11/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ef4924f00c221a9d44a987207ac25f9a-RQLXcn.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250312T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250312T183000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145522Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145522Z SUMMARY:Recipes and Rituals for Community Care DESCRIPTION:We heal together in our kitchens\, gardens\, and shared spaces.\n\n\nWhat does it mean to heal in community? What does it feel like when we extend care to ourselves and the collective? How do plants and our local ecologies care for us? How can we care for the plants and local ecologies in return?\nWeave in rituals and recipes into both your own self-care and community care practices through weekly explorations in herbal arts\, somatic movement in the greenhouse and garden\, folk remedies\, and other wild-crafts and meditative activities that foster a deeper connection to plants to care for the body\, mental health\, and the people you move with.\nEach week\, be guided by a guest herbalist\, healing artist\, or wellness practitioner who will help you create your own toolkit and apothecary for self and communal care.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/recipes-and-rituals-for-community-care-32/2025-03-12/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/598caa7a7a96964f49df62dfb49368c1-k59Twf.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T180000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145418Z SUMMARY:Art in the Garden DESCRIPTION:Cultivate creativity\, curiosity\, & settle into the restorative power of artmaking in the greenhouse and garden.\n\n\nCombine the art and science of observation in weekly artmaking inspired by plants in the greenhouse and garden.\nLearn meditative and mindful drawing\, printmaking and sculptural techniques\, scientific observation with plant portraiture\, and new practices from botanical and ecologically-focused contemporary artists to create works of art to celebrate the plants and flowers you feel most connected to. Immerse yourself in the learning garden\, greenhouse\, and across Riverbank State Park’s green roof overlooking the Hudson River to create artwork that is rooted in place and in partnership with plants.\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-in-the-garden-29/2025-03-13/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2469fe6929235f4b8cb283a333047f01-yruSYK.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T193000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145808Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145808Z SUMMARY:Art and AgriCulture DESCRIPTION:What are the food stories that most urgently need to be shared?\n\n\n“Another thing we lost is culture. . . look at the word agriculture. We lost that connection. And so now it’s going back to the culture of agriculture. Why do we grow the food that we do?” – Karen Washington\nWhy do we grow the foods we do? How is culture tied to our local foodways and agricultural systems? What stories of nourishment are you hungry to tell? What creative acts are you being called to digest?\nIn this weekly series\, explore various techniques and practices introduced by visiting artists who will lead us in expressing our relationship to food\, agriculture\, and the histories and stories that shape how we connect with our foodways.\nThrough various artmaking techniques like bookmaking\, printmaking\, collage\, sculpture\, natural-pigment making and painting\, alternative photography processes\, participants will create artwork that begins to answer the question: Where is the culture in agriculture?\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse. Explore your relationship to food and agriculture and the ways these systems can connect us more deeply to our local ecosystems and communities.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-and-agriculture-32/2025-03-13/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ea8f9e0b59b5e47062f47e3b2798a06b-JyssZw.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T120000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145722Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241025T141844Z SUMMARY:SautĂ© Sizzle Savor DESCRIPTION:Crafting Storied Recipes with Community Supported Agriculture\n\n\nEach week\, be guided by a guest food-worker\, chef\, artist\, farmer\, or culture-bearer who will help us unpack our CSA box and lead us in making a collectively-crafted meal. Deepen your relationship with the crops that regional farmers are harvesting while in conversations that help us reimagine our relationships to food and farms.\nIn Community in the Kitchen\, we invite participants to come together in the Greenhouse Education Center around the kitchen table to share in the harvest of our weekly CSA share. In a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model\, community members and farmers build a reciprocal and mutually-beneficial relationship—community members support farmers by sharing the risk and paying upfront so that farmers can focus on stewarding the land while farmers provide community with healthy\, organic\, and sustainably grown produce at an affordable price that goes directly into the farm’s pockets.\nIn these weekly sessions\, we invite participants to gather and build community as we share recipes\, food stories\, and helpful tips for how to cook with the plants that are in season. Each week\, participants can expect to be guided by food-workers\, culture-bearers\, chefs\, farmers\, elders\, or food-system thought visionaries who will lead us in both cooking class and critical conversation that has us consider how we share the foods we grow in community.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine. \nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers. \nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at \nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces. URL:/event/saute-sizzle-savor-11/2025-03-18/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ef4924f00c221a9d44a987207ac25f9a-RQLXcn.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250319T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250319T183000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145522Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145522Z SUMMARY:Recipes and Rituals for Community Care DESCRIPTION:We heal together in our kitchens\, gardens\, and shared spaces.\n\n\nWhat does it mean to heal in community? What does it feel like when we extend care to ourselves and the collective? How do plants and our local ecologies care for us? How can we care for the plants and local ecologies in return?\nWeave in rituals and recipes into both your own self-care and community care practices through weekly explorations in herbal arts\, somatic movement in the greenhouse and garden\, folk remedies\, and other wild-crafts and meditative activities that foster a deeper connection to plants to care for the body\, mental health\, and the people you move with.\nEach week\, be guided by a guest herbalist\, healing artist\, or wellness practitioner who will help you create your own toolkit and apothecary for self and communal care.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/recipes-and-rituals-for-community-care-32/2025-03-19/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/598caa7a7a96964f49df62dfb49368c1-k59Twf.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T180000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145418Z SUMMARY:Art in the Garden DESCRIPTION:Cultivate creativity\, curiosity\, & settle into the restorative power of artmaking in the greenhouse and garden.\n\n\nCombine the art and science of observation in weekly artmaking inspired by plants in the greenhouse and garden.\nLearn meditative and mindful drawing\, printmaking and sculptural techniques\, scientific observation with plant portraiture\, and new practices from botanical and ecologically-focused contemporary artists to create works of art to celebrate the plants and flowers you feel most connected to. Immerse yourself in the learning garden\, greenhouse\, and across Riverbank State Park’s green roof overlooking the Hudson River to create artwork that is rooted in place and in partnership with plants.\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-in-the-garden-29/2025-03-20/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2469fe6929235f4b8cb283a333047f01-yruSYK.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T193000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145808Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145808Z SUMMARY:Art and AgriCulture DESCRIPTION:What are the food stories that most urgently need to be shared?\n\n\n“Another thing we lost is culture. . . look at the word agriculture. We lost that connection. And so now it’s going back to the culture of agriculture. Why do we grow the food that we do?” – Karen Washington\nWhy do we grow the foods we do? How is culture tied to our local foodways and agricultural systems? What stories of nourishment are you hungry to tell? What creative acts are you being called to digest?\nIn this weekly series\, explore various techniques and practices introduced by visiting artists who will lead us in expressing our relationship to food\, agriculture\, and the histories and stories that shape how we connect with our foodways.\nThrough various artmaking techniques like bookmaking\, printmaking\, collage\, sculpture\, natural-pigment making and painting\, alternative photography processes\, participants will create artwork that begins to answer the question: Where is the culture in agriculture?\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse. Explore your relationship to food and agriculture and the ways these systems can connect us more deeply to our local ecosystems and communities.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-and-agriculture-32/2025-03-20/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ea8f9e0b59b5e47062f47e3b2798a06b-JyssZw.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T120000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145722Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241025T141844Z SUMMARY:SautĂ© Sizzle Savor DESCRIPTION:Crafting Storied Recipes with Community Supported Agriculture\n\n\nEach week\, be guided by a guest food-worker\, chef\, artist\, farmer\, or culture-bearer who will help us unpack our CSA box and lead us in making a collectively-crafted meal. Deepen your relationship with the crops that regional farmers are harvesting while in conversations that help us reimagine our relationships to food and farms.\nIn Community in the Kitchen\, we invite participants to come together in the Greenhouse Education Center around the kitchen table to share in the harvest of our weekly CSA share. In a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model\, community members and farmers build a reciprocal and mutually-beneficial relationship—community members support farmers by sharing the risk and paying upfront so that farmers can focus on stewarding the land while farmers provide community with healthy\, organic\, and sustainably grown produce at an affordable price that goes directly into the farm’s pockets.\nIn these weekly sessions\, we invite participants to gather and build community as we share recipes\, food stories\, and helpful tips for how to cook with the plants that are in season. Each week\, participants can expect to be guided by food-workers\, culture-bearers\, chefs\, farmers\, elders\, or food-system thought visionaries who will lead us in both cooking class and critical conversation that has us consider how we share the foods we grow in community.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine. \nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers. \nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at \nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces. URL:/event/saute-sizzle-savor-11/2025-03-25/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ef4924f00c221a9d44a987207ac25f9a-RQLXcn.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T183000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145522Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145522Z SUMMARY:Recipes and Rituals for Community Care DESCRIPTION:We heal together in our kitchens\, gardens\, and shared spaces.\n\n\nWhat does it mean to heal in community? What does it feel like when we extend care to ourselves and the collective? How do plants and our local ecologies care for us? How can we care for the plants and local ecologies in return?\nWeave in rituals and recipes into both your own self-care and community care practices through weekly explorations in herbal arts\, somatic movement in the greenhouse and garden\, folk remedies\, and other wild-crafts and meditative activities that foster a deeper connection to plants to care for the body\, mental health\, and the people you move with.\nEach week\, be guided by a guest herbalist\, healing artist\, or wellness practitioner who will help you create your own toolkit and apothecary for self and communal care.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/recipes-and-rituals-for-community-care-32/2025-03-26/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/598caa7a7a96964f49df62dfb49368c1-k59Twf.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250327T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250327T180000 DTSTAMP:20250204T225505 CREATED:20231230T145418Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231230T145418Z SUMMARY:Art in the Garden DESCRIPTION:Cultivate creativity\, curiosity\, & settle into the restorative power of artmaking in the greenhouse and garden.\n\n\nCombine the art and science of observation in weekly artmaking inspired by plants in the greenhouse and garden.\nLearn meditative and mindful drawing\, printmaking and sculptural techniques\, scientific observation with plant portraiture\, and new practices from botanical and ecologically-focused contemporary artists to create works of art to celebrate the plants and flowers you feel most connected to. Immerse yourself in the learning garden\, greenhouse\, and across Riverbank State Park’s green roof overlooking the Hudson River to create artwork that is rooted in place and in partnership with plants.\nThis is a free drop-in program. Come to every class to build on your skill or come to one or two that you are available for. This class will end in a culminating Community Winter Show to exhibit your work in our greenhouse.\n\n\n  \n\n\nWorkshops are rain or shine.\nWhen inside the greenhouse and kitchen we will open our double-doors and windows to vent the space and encourage masking and social distancing when in more closed-in spaces.\nAccessibility: Our kitchen/classroom space is wheelchair accessible. With prior planning\, we can add a few small mats onto the pebbled ground of greenhouse to make a small wheel-chair accessible path. Our learning garden has grass paths\, and the entrance is through a gate with a small\, raised entrance. Our tables can be lowered/raised\, and we have several backless benches or stools. Our kitchen is in regular use\, and while we try to cook without peanuts\, much of our cookware is shared and we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment. We have a first aid kit\, and the closest AED is in another building several yards away. Drinking water is made available in refillable pitchers.\nOur closest bathrooms are a building away\, about a one-minute walk. A gender neutral bathroom is also available\, and this is accessible by key which you can request from staff. We are not a scent-free zone\, and because herbalism classes take place here\, cannot guarantee that the site will be clear of any essential oil smells. If you have needs not addressed here\, please reach out to Mallory Craig at URL:/event/art-in-the-garden-29/2025-03-27/ LOCATION:The Greenhouse and Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park\, 679 Riverside Dr\, Greenhouse\, New York\, NY\, 10031\, United States CATEGORIES:Greenhouse & Education Center at Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/2469fe6929235f4b8cb283a333047f01-yruSYK.tmp_.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR